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  • Binance donates €500,000 to Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome for the construction of new clinics

Binance donates €500,000 to Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome for the construction of new clinics

Cryptocurrency exchange Binance made the first blockchain-based donation to an Italian hospital. The operation was carried out through Binance Charity, the company’s foundation dedicated to promoting philanthropic activities.

The exchange made a blockchain donation of over 500,000 euros to the Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli Irccs, the first Italian hospital to open to donations via Web3, for the construction of the new Clinical Nutrition Center and the establishment of four scholarship studies for young people. people study coordinator.

As part of our ongoing commitment to the local communities and ecosystems of which we are a part, we are proud to contribute our donation to the creation of a state-of-the-art clinical center to support one of the most important global challenges of our time. in terms of nutrition,“Binance Italy General Manager Gianluigi Guida said: “For years, Binance Charity has been committed to promoting charitable initiatives through the use of blockchain, leveraging the unique features of this technology to increase the security, transparency and efficiency of charitable projects. We are proud to see this long-standing commitment come to fruition in Italy today, with this project making the first blockchain-based donation to an Italian hospital.

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The new clinics, which aim to combat over- or undernutrition, which is characteristic of a number of pathologies such as obesity, tumors and chronic intestinal inflammatory diseases, were opened on the occasion of “Nutrition Day” (nDay) on 9 November.

The slogan of Nutrition Day is ‘Together for better nutritional care’,” Agostino Gemelli recalls Marco Elefanti, General Manager of the IRCCS University Polyclinic Foundation. “This is exactly what we have achieved with the Binance Charity Foundation, to whom we extend our sincerest gratitude for its essential support in renovating the spaces and financing the professionals who will work there. This donation also marks a new and important collaboration opportunity for the Gemelli Foundation. A path that starts today and will in the future provide us with new opportunities for fundraising and discussion with blockchain, a technology that has proven very useful in bringing certainty to many processes in the scientific and clinical fields.

In September this year, Binance donated three million dollars to help those affected by the powerful earthquake that recently shook Morocco, killing at least 2,000 people in Marrakech alone. Binance founder and CEO Changpeng Zhao addressed the earthquake “devastating“For the Moroccan people and He expressed his condolences on behalf of the country.

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